Slow the growth and spread of all types of cancer cells.

High Dose Vitamin C can help boost your Immunity and stimulate collagen formation to help the body wall off the tumor.


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The Role of High Dose Vitamin C in Cancer Treatment.

Vitamin C is an essential nutrient and a potent antioxidant that plays a pivotal role in normal physiological functions within the body. Among its vital functions is its contribution to collagen production, which supports healthy skin, hair, nails, and the well-being of blood vessels and connective tissue. 

The advantages of utilizing IV Vitamin C treatment are extensive and have been subject to extensive research, particularly in the context of cancer patients. This treatment has shown significant potential in enhancing the quality of life for cancer patients by mitigating the side effects associated with conventional cancer treatments like chemotherapy and radiation therapy. Moreover, IV Vitamin C has demonstrated cancer-fighting properties, including its ability to target and kill cancer cells.

IV Vitamin C treatment is considered a safe option, characterized by excellent tolerance and minimal side effects. In conclusion, incorporating Vitamin C into your diet or contemplating IV Vitamin C treatment can be advantageous for maintaining overall health and preventing illness.

How High Dose Vitamin C works?

When administered intravenously, high levels of vitamin C in the blood stream stimulate the production of hydrogen peroxide, a known toxin to cancer cells. Normal cells possess the ability to mitigate the effects of hydrogen peroxide because they contain 10-100 times more catalase, an enzyme that converts H2O2 into water and oxygen. In contrast, cancer cells lack a similar mechanism to counteract the effects of hydrogen peroxide. Vitamin C acts as an antioxidant, thwarting the growth of cancer by neutralizing free radicals. By doing so, vitamin C prevents free radicals from causing damage to DNA within cells. Additionally, scientists have discovered that antioxidants like vitamin C destabilize tumor cells, inhibiting their growth.

What can you expect after undergoing High Dose Vitamin C IV Drip?

When HICC cancer patients receive IVC, they report that their pain level goes down and that they are better able to tolerate their chemotherapy. They bounce back quicker since the IVC reduces the toxicity of the chemotherapy and radiation without compromising their cancer cell-killing effects.

IVC is complementary to oncologic care. IVC can help cancer patients withstand the effects of their traditional therapies, heal faster, be more resilient to infection, develop a better appetite, and maintain more active overall. These things promote a better response to their cancer therapy.