Enhance Your Immune System's Fight Against Cancer

Discover the power of Ozone Therapy, a safe and effective method to bolster your immune system’s ability to combat cancer.

The woman coughed and covered her mouth with her hand and sat on the bed.

What is Ozone Therapy?

Ozone therapy is a medical treatment involving a mixture of oxygen and ozone. This approach is highly effective in eliminating bacteria, viruses, and fungi due to its oxidative properties and the generation of free radicals. Ozone finds various applications, such as equipment sterilization, water purification, and germ reduction. It can be administered as a gas, dissolved in water, or inhaled through ozonated oil. 

Dr. Imelda Edodollon is certified by esteemed ozone pioneers, including Dr. Frank Shallenberger, Dr. Robert Rowen, and Dr. Howard Robins. She is proficient in all ozone techniques, including advanced ten-pass ozone therapy



Three Types of Ozone Therapy

Numerous procedures are utilized in the administration of Ozone Therapy, but the most prominent methods include Major Autohemo, Minor AutoHemo, and the widely recognized Ten Pass Method.

Major Autohemo Therapy

Major Autohemo Therapy (MAH) is a form of ozone therapy in which a small amount of the patient’s blood, typically 100 to 200 ml, is withdrawn and mixed with a carefully controlled mixture of ozone and oxygen. The ozone- enriched blood is then reintroduced into the patient’s bloodstream. This innovative approach has shown remarkable success in treating various medical conditions and remains at the forefront of cutting-edge therapies, offering valuable alternative treatment options for individuals with health concern.

Minor Autohemo Therapy

In Minor Autohemo Therapy, a vacuum system is employed to withdraw blood from the patient’s vein, as opposed to using gravity. Once the vein is punctured, the vacuum efficiently transfers the blood into a collection bottle. The bottle contains an anti-coagulant substance, such as sodium citrate or heparin, to prevent blood clot formation. This method has demonstrated greater efficiency and is typically administered to the patient 1-3 times per week, depending on their specific medical condition.

The "10 Pass" Method.

A more potent method for administering larger quantities of ozone to the body is known as the “10 Pass” method. This medical treatment delivers a higher dose of ozone in a shorter time frame compared to hyperbaric Major Autohemotherapy(MAH). The 10 Pass method is specifically designed to thoroughly saturate erythrocytes (red blood cells) with oxygen and shield them from potential damage. Typically, it is recommended for daily sessions over the course of up to a month or once a week for ten weeks, effectively addressing a wide range of medical conditions. Remarkably, some conditions may exhibit improvement after just a single 10-Pass treatment.

Dr. Lahodny, the pioneering expert behind this treatment, suggests that the 10 Pass method may also stimulate the production of stem cells. He has observed chronic wounds  as little as 48 hours, a result comparable to the effects of cultured stem cell injections. Ultimately, the Ozone High Dose delivered through the 10 Pass method provides more than 23 times the ozone concentration compared to a single MAH treatment, making it a potent therapeutic option for specific medical conditions.

100 Benefits of Ozone Therapy

What Ten (10) Pass High Dose Ozone Therapy Can Do For You;

Ozone Prevents:

Ozone Combats:

Ozone Energizes:

Ozone Clear Outs:

Ozone Corrects:

Ozone Purifies:

Ozone Burns:

Ozone Stops:

Ozone Oxygenates:

Ozone Relieves

Ozone Releases

Ozone Boosts:

Ozone Kills:

Ozone Improves:

Ozone Fights:

Ozone Neutralize

Ozone Breakes

Ozone Is

Ozone Speed Up:

Ozone Detoxifies:

Ozone Calms

Ozone Oxidises

How does Ozone work for Cancer Patients?

Ozone therapy is an alternative treatment that assists the body in fighting cancer. It enhances the immune system, aiding the body in producing cells to combat cancer cells. Additionally, ozone therapy can enhance the effectiveness of other cancer treatments. It also helps alleviate the adverse side effects of chemotherapy. By strengthening the body, ozone therapy enhances the ability to combat cancer effectively

What to Expect after Undergoing Ozone Therapy?

Most patients typically undergo six to ten ozone therapy sessions before experiencing noticeable improvements in their condition. Often, positive changes become apparent after the initial three or four treatments.

If you genuinely feel a significant improvement in your well-being once your course of treatments concludes, it is advisable to discuss the possibility of continuing periodic treatments with your doctor. This can help you maintain your health and remain free from pain.