Looking for an Alternative Treatment to Heart Problems?

Detoxify and protect your heart and brain through Chelation Therapy.  


What is Chelation Therapy?

Chelation therapy involves the removal of heavy metals from the body through injections. When metals like lead, mercury, iron, arsenic, and aluminum accumulate in your body, they can become toxic and potentially lead to various diseases. 

By “chelating” these heavy metals from your body, you can reduce your risk of developing many diseases associated with these toxic substances. 

These conditions include cancer, heart problems, chronic fatigue, and neurological disorders. Studies suggest that chelation therapy can be beneficial for individuals with blocked arteries and may serve as an alternative to heart surgery. 

Furthermore, chelation therapy has been shown to reduce stress, improve blood flow, and reduce clotting, which can lead to lower blood pressure and a decreased risk of diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease, and other illnesses. It may even help alleviate some aging-related symptoms.



What are the benefits of Chelation.

Rejuvenate Cardiovas-cular System

Improves heart health by reducing blood pressure, chest pain, arrhythmias, and cholesterol levels. Chelation can help to improve the function of the heart.

Lower Insulin Requirements in Diabetic

Diabetes can damage the lower extremities causing ulcers and mobility problems. But with Chelation therapy that can save legs in diabetic ulcers, there is hope

Anti-Aging and Cosmetic effects

More lustrous hair, added eye sparkle, stronger unsplit nails, better skin color, texture, and tone, fewer visible wrinkles, lightened age spots, and overall a more youthful appearance

Helps prevent or reverse Atheros-clerosis

Chelation removes toxic metals, reduces free radicals, and clears calcium and plaque buildup. Can slow, stop or even reverse the build up of fatty deposits in the arteries.

Beneficial in Prostate Enlargement and Prostate Cancer

Chelation therapy, especially when combined with a comprehensive 'natural antibiotic and antiviral' product, can have positive effects in managing prostate enlargement and prostate cancer. It may contribute to the reversal of impotence and a reduction in the need for diuretics.

Is Chelation Therapy Safe?

Holistic Integrative Care Center employs the most advanced chelation practices, continuously refining our techniques through ongoing international training and adherence to global safety and efficacy protocols. 

While it’s important to acknowledge that like any medical treatment, IV Chelation Therapy carries inherent risks, we are highly confident in its safety and effectiveness. Six decades of trials and clinical use have demonstrated its reliability. Notably, the FDA recognizes chelation therapy as a treatment for acute heavy metal poisoning, specifically for lead or mercury

What to Expect after Undergoing Chelation Therapy?

In chelation therapy, you receive a medicine called EDTA intravenously or DMSA orally. This medication circulates through your bloodstream, targeting excess minerals. When the medication binds to these minerals, they can be eliminated from your body through urination.

Atherosclerosis, often referred to as the blockage of arteries by minerals and heavy metals, can be addressed with chelation therapy. By removing these substances and improving your diet and exercise habits, chelation therapy can contribute to the reduction of arterial blockages, promoting overall cardiovascular health.