Gluthatione IV for Parkinson's Diseases.

Suffering from Parkinson’s Diseases? Let’s us help you reduce your risk of falling and keep moving.

Why Does Glutathione Help Parkinson's.

Glutathione is a crucial antioxidant that plays a significant role in slowing down the effect of Parkinson’s disease while enhancing brain function. 

Individuals with Parkinson’s disease tend to have notably lower levels of healthy glutathione, often reduced by about 40–50%. This depletion makes brain cells more susceptible to oxidation, a process that contributes to the progression of Parkinson’s disease. 

Research and clinical trials have shown that intravenous glutathione can mitigate the impairments associated with Parkinson’s disease. It has demonstrated effectiveness in treating various neurodegenerative diseases such as multiple sclerosis and Alzheimer’s. Dr. Lalezar, in her treatment of Parkinson’s patients using intravenous glutathione, has reported significant success in improving their condition.

Glutathione benefits for Parkinson's.

Combat Oxidative stress that is a precursor to many diseases, including Parkinson’s

Reduce cellular damage due to oxidative stress

Improves circulation and wards off arterial plaque

Reduces Parkinson’s symptoms of tremor and muscle stiffness